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Jónleif Johannesen appointed principal at Skúlatrøð School in the Faroe Islands

Friday 16th 2024 on 19:39 in  
Faroe Islands

Jónleif Johannesen, 46, has an extensive background in education. He earned his teaching degree in 2004 and holds a diploma in educational leadership, along with a portion of a master’s level program in educational management, complemented by additional training in leadership development.

Johannesen has served as a teacher and special education teacher in the Faroe Islands. His leadership experience includes being a board member of the Faroese Teachers’ Association as well as the chairman of the School Leadership Association. He has also held positions as a lead teacher at Fossánes School and as deputy principal at Runavíkar Municipal School.

Over the past six months, he has been working as a representative in the primary education sector at the Ministry of Education, where his responsibilities have included organizing instruction in Faroese as a second language.

Johannesen will assume the role of principal at Skúlatrøð School starting September 1.

(via kvf.fo)