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Attendees report negative experiences with security at Summer Festival in Denmark

Friday 16th 2024 on 14:13 in  
Faroe Islands

Several attendees have reported negative experiences with security personnel at this year’s Summer Festival.

Musician Kim Hansen took to Facebook to share that he was forcefully taken down to the ground by a “militant security guard” backstage. Hansen recounted, “The festival ended with me being slammed to the floor and subdued by a militant guard— in my own backstage area— just 20 minutes after I had packed up and put my instruments in the car. I have some bruises, pain in my shoulders, and I’m feeling discomfort in my back. It’s been hard to collect my thoughts after the incident.”

In his post, Hansen noted that there are multiple reports of festival-goers being thrown out and humiliated by security this year.

One such incident was reported by Sólva Lindenskov Róadóttir, who stated that she and her mother were mistreated while heading to a children’s event at the festival. “I’ve completely lost the desire to attend any festival or concert where those guards are present. Now that I think about it, I’ve lost interest in going to any festival at all after that shocking experience,” she expressed.

Sólva reported the incident to the police the same day, but they have not yet responded.

For more on Sólva Lindenskov Róadóttir’s experience, you can listen to her recounting the events in an audio segment.

(via kvf.fo)