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Sign language interpreted news to be broadcasted during European Football Championship; decline in national church and controversial puffin hunting ban among key topics

Tuesday 9th 2024 on 22:57 in  

Sign language interpreted television news is broadcasted on this website. The broadcast starts at 9 PM coinciding with the European Football Championship being shown on RÚV.

The sign language interpreted news hour will then be broadcasted on RÚV2 at 9:20 PM tonight.

In other news, temperatures around and above 20 degrees are being experienced in the northern and eastern parts of the country. Commenting on a recent football match, one analyst said, “It’s as if the referee was taken out and the game was played according to rules set by one team”. Weather forecasts for tomorrow indicate minor rainfall and temperatures between 12 to 21 degrees.

The 120th anniversary of the automobile in Iceland was celebrated at the Árbæjarsafni museum. A proposal has been made for the government to ban puffin hunting on its own land, drawing various reactions. Despite seven degrees and drizzle, there was plenty of support and atmosphere at a recent event.

In political news, farmers are on the brink due to KS’s purchase of Norðlenska’s core food. Temperatures around and above 20 degrees are being experienced in the northern and eastern parts of the country. Eighteen individuals have been indicted for drug smuggling and criminal activity in the Sólheimajökull case.

In religious news, there has been a decline in the national church. Municipalities support the change that the state bears all the cost of building nursing homes. In health news, the strength of ultraviolet rays is at its peak.

In court news, an individual has been accused of rape and demanded three million in damages. In other readership news, Russians have issued an arrest warrant for Navalny. Finally, in economic news, HS Orka has been refinanced by over 40 billion kronas despite earthquakes.