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Pori Sinfonietta seeks new chief conductor after Jonas Rannila’s contract termination

Friday 16th 2024 on 12:04 in  

Pori Sinfonietta is currently without a permanent chief conductor following the termination of Jonas Rannila’s contract, which occurred amidst a scandal involving allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior that surfaced in June. Rannila had been selected for the role in the spring and was set to begin his two-year tenure in the autumn. As of now, a long-term replacement has yet to be found.

Leena Harmaala, the orchestra’s director, expressed that the revelations about Rannila’s misconduct came as a surprise. “Some sources claimed this information was widely known, but we were not aware of it. The orchestra’s musicians supported Rannila’s appointment in the spring, and they too had no knowledge of his inappropriate behavior.”

Despite the summer scandal, Harmaala notes it has not significantly harmed the orchestra’s reputation. The search for a chief conductor resembles assembling a puzzle, where every piece needs to fit well. The orchestra is currently exploring potential candidates and identifying those who are available and interested in the position. They do not seek conductors through job advertisements; instead, they extend invitations. Harmaala remarks, “Good outcomes have usually been achieved this way. Rannila’s situation was truly unfortunate for everyone involved.”

The Pori Sinfonietta will be led by guest conductors during the upcoming autumn concerts, with Harmaala indicating that securing conductors has been relatively straightforward, despite some adjustments to the program. The orchestra utilized a wishlist from its musicians to identify potential guest conductors, and following the controversy, several conductors reached out to express their availability.

(via yle.fi)