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Residents of Westfjords in Iceland express frustration over safety concerns following recent rockfall incident

Friday 16th 2024 on 09:33 in  

Residents of the Westfjords of Iceland are increasingly frustrated by the threat posed by avalanches, rockfalls, and landslides, especially following another recent rockfall incident on the Súðavíkurhlíð road. In response, a petition has been relaunched advocating for improved transportation safety measures.

Sigríður Elsa Álfhildardóttir shared her harrowing experience driving through Súðavíkurhlíð when she encountered a rock that had fallen onto the road, blocking her path between her car and a rental vehicle. Despite her efforts to navigate around the rock without success, she attempted to remove it herself to clear the way. Tourists in the rental car were unaware of the danger, and Sigríður urged them to leave quickly.

The petition calls for the government to initiate investigations and plans for tunnels between Súðavík and Ísafjörður, underscoring that such infrastructure is essential for community safety and resilience. This incident was not Sigríður’s first struggle with rockfalls; she recounted a previous incident from last year while picking up her nanny, during which she had encountered a rock shortly after passing through the area with no prior obstruction.

Haukur Árni Hermannsson, a supervisor at the road management department in Ísafjörður, acknowledged the frequent nature of rockfalls, particularly after heavy rains when rocks loosen. He noted that extensive measures would be required to protect the road, indicating that creating tunnels might not be the sole solution but could mitigate risks.

Local officials lament ongoing delays in road construction projects, attributing difficulties faced by the community to longstanding infrastructural decisions that have left them reliant on aging roadways.

(via ruv.is)