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Shopkeeper reports increase in shoplifting incidents at K-supermarket in Pasila

Friday 16th 2024 on 06:23 in  

Petri Miettinen, a shopkeeper at K-Supermarket in Pasila, has reported a significant increase in shoplifting incidents this summer compared to previous years. “I’ve received the same feedback from security companies and colleagues,” he said. Alcohol, both in terms of volume and number of units, is the most frequently stolen item from the store, especially during summer when thefts surge compared to other seasons. Miettinen added, “I can’t pinpoint the reason. This summer’s weather hasn’t been extraordinary enough to explain it.”

Statistics from the Helsinki police reveal a troubling trend in retail theft during the summer months. In June and July 2023, there were 2,378 recorded shoplifting incidents in the capital, approximately 500 more than the same period last year. Previous years also reflect an upward trend:
– 2021: 1,609 incidents
– 2022: 1,726 incidents
– 2023: 2,061 incidents
– 2024: 2,588 incidents

A report from January indicated that suspicions of shoplifting have risen throughout Finland, with shopkeepers suggesting that some individuals steal food for personal use, while others resell the items. Terhi Kuljukka-Rabb, a leading expert at the Finnish Commerce Federation, commented that deeper societal issues, changing attitudes, and general malaise likely fuel these offenses.

While a new alcohol law that permits stronger beers, ciders, and wines to be sold in grocery stores has been introduced, Miettinen noted that this change has not yet influenced what is stolen. He remarked that thefts of wine bottles have been sporadic, indicating the thieves typically favor other beverages, primarily ready-to-drink products like canned long drinks.

(via yle.fi)