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Uber returns to Denmark with new partnership and compliance measures

Friday 16th 2024 on 06:03 in  

Starting next year, the controversial ride-hailing service Uber will be returning to Denmark. However, the fare for rides booked through Uber’s app will be equivalent to that of a traditional taxi, with the Copenhagen-based company Drivr handling the transportation. This move allows Uber to re-enter the Danish market, adapting its operations accordingly, as it has done in other countries previously.

The introduction of Uber under this new business model has garnered a welcoming response from trade unions, which had previously been critical of the company. Jørn Hedengran, a negotiating secretary at 3F Transport, remarked, “I believe Uber has changed its approach. They must be willing to comply with Danish regulations.”

Uber exited Denmark in 2017 following significant criticism and accusations of social dumping, revealing that 99% of nearly 1,200 Uber drivers had failed to report their earnings after a tax audit. Additionally, Uber’s original business model breached taxi regulations, leading the company to incur a fine of 25 million kroner in 2020.

Despite its withdrawal, Uber retained a significant user base in Denmark, reporting 300,000 users before its exit. Many Danes continue to have the Uber app on their phones for use abroad, as do numerous tourists who use it in their home countries.

As Uber resumes operations in Copenhagen from early 2025, rides ordered through the app will be provided by Drivr. Bo Svane, director of Drivr, stated, “We are combining the best of both worlds, integrating Uber’s software with our local expertise in Copenhagen.”

Uber’s collaboration with Drivr signifies a strategic comeback in Denmark, with regional director Maurits Schönfeld stating, “We partner with local entities to assist with drivers and local insights while contributing our app.”

(via dr.dk)