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UN expresses concerns over political persecution in Venezuela

Friday 16th 2024 on 01:38 in  

The United Nations has expressed deep concerns regarding the persecution of political opponents by the Venezuelan government, signaling the need for a thorough examination of all asylum applications from the country. The situation escalated following the announcement of recent elections where Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner, despite widespread skepticism and protests questioning the legitimacy of the results.

Liz Throssell, a spokesperson for the UN human rights office, described the current climate in Venezuela as one of fear. The National Electoral Council has yet to release detailed election results, a situation that the UN claims is unprecedented in modern democratic elections. Maduro’s security forces have been accused of responding harshly to demonstrators demanding transparency around the election results.

Significant protests erupted after the elections, with many alleging misconduct. Throssell highlighted an alarming trend where more individuals are being arbitrarily detained, including political opponents, human rights activists, journalists, and bystanders who happened to be in protest areas. Reports indicate that detainees are often denied contact with legal representatives or family members.

The UN is particularly concerned about the campaign against dissent following the elections. For over a year, asylum applications from Venezuela were automatically granted protection, but the conditions there have prompted a reevaluation of the situation. Potential asylum seekers remain fearful of returning to Venezuela, especially those who have openly expressed their opposition to the government. Throssell emphasized the need to scrutinize each asylum application given the ongoing crackdown on political dissent.

(via ruv.is)