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Parents in Denmark raise concerns about involvement in children’s education as schools reopen

Thursday 15th 2024 on 19:23 in  

The summer holidays have ended, and schools across the country have reopened. However, the start of the school year is not just for children; parents have also become significantly involved in their children’s education. Some school leaders in Copenhagen have expressed concerns about overly engaged parental behavior, which they believe does not always benefit the children.

Max Ulrich Larsen, principal at Damhusengens Skole in Vanløse, shared insights on the matter, highlighting a growing worry among parents about their child’s well-being and readiness for school. He emphasized that schools should be places where children feel secure, and parents need to trust that their children will adapt well. Larsen advocates for parents to step back, especially during school drop-off, suggesting that a quick goodbye fosters independence in children. He noted that parents lingering can create anxiety for both parties.

Conversely, Rikke Alice Bille, who leads a parent advisory service in Frederiksberg, argues that the responsibility lies with schools to establish frameworks for effective collaboration with parents. She believes parents seek solid support from teachers who can assure them that their children are in good hands and provide guidance throughout the transition.

Maria Ørskov Akselvoll, a sociologist focused on parenting, notes that the expectations on parents today are unprecedented, with society placing greater demands on what constitutes good parenting. She argues that the ideals of parental involvement have shifted dramatically over the past two decades, with a notable increase in daily communication and numerous school events requiring parental engagement.

(via dr.dk)