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Unprecedented drought conditions recorded in Ylä-Lappi, Finland as rainfall absent since 1962

Thursday 15th 2024 on 18:53 in  

In Ylä-Lappi, an exceptionally dry weather pattern has emerged. At the Utsjoki Kevo measurement station, no rainfall has been recorded during the first half of August. According to the Finnish Meteorological Institute, this is the first instance of being completely rain-free during this time period since measurements began in 1962.

Alongside the drought, there has also been an unprecedented number of hot days, with 25 days of heat recorded at Kevo this summer. The dry weather has resulted in unusual phenomena. Petteri Nissinen, who has been surveying the grouse population in the Kaldoaivi wilderness area, encountered a noteworthy sight last weekend: a once-wet mire completely dried out. He noted that other wetlands were also experiencing significant drying, resembling parched riverbeds in Africa.

Trees are showing signs of stress as well, with many birch trees turning yellow prematurely and some shedding their leaves. Kirsi Ukkonen, a specialist in recreational use at Metsähallitus, explained that the birches are quickly turning a dirty brown, lacking the vibrant autumn colors typically seen.

Henry Väre, senior curator at the Natural History Museum of Finland, confirmed that the early yellowing and dropping of leaves can likely be attributed to the ongoing drought. While the leaf loss may not harm the birch trees, it is a sign of their adaptation to current conditions.

Outdoor enthusiasts in Ylä-Lappi are advised to prepare for the dry conditions. An orange alert for wildfires was issued in Utsjoki, meaning the risk of large and rapidly spreading wildfires has increased. Rekindling fires is strongly discouraged. Additionally, water sources may be scarce along familiar hiking routes, which could pose challenges for those seeking drinking water. There may be some relief from the drought in the coming days, though predictions remain uncertain.

(via yle.fi)