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Residents express unease over incidents involving asylum center in Skærbæk, Denmark

Thursday 15th 2024 on 15:48 in  

In Skærbæk, a town near Tønder, some residents are feeling uneasy due to several unsettling incidents involving residents from the local asylum center. Most of the center’s inhabitants are reported to be well-behaved individuals who integrate into the community. To address community concerns, a town hall meeting was held, attended by local authorities and the asylum center’s management. They shared details about daily life at the center and measures being taken to ensure safety.

Anne Marie Kudsk, a resident living nearby, expressed her discomfort, recounting a troubling experience where she encountered a heavily intoxicated man lying in a crosswalk. According to police, there have been at least 38 incidents linked to asylum center residents, with some being investigated for behavior that could be considered inappropriate. Two charges have also been filed relating to violence between residents.

The asylum center houses 41 individuals who have sought temporary residence permits under a special law for Ukrainian refugees, allowing them access to work and education without going through standard asylum procedures.

In response to the community’s anxiety, Skærbæk Real School, the closest educational institution to the asylum center, has implemented security measures such as additional supervisors during breaks and erected a high steel fence to separate the school from the center. School Principal Tina Israelsen emphasized that the measures were taken purely for safety reasons and insisted they are necessary to protect the children.

Efforts to facilitate dialogue between the asylum center management, the police, and local residents are ongoing to address concerns and improve safety perceptions. Tønder Municipality’s mayor stated that while there are challenges, stopping the acceptance of refugees is not a viable solution.

(via dr.dk)