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Off-road driving damage reported at Vatnajökuls National Park in Iceland

Thursday 15th 2024 on 14:23 in  

Recent off-road driving activities on Sprengisandur have caused significant environmental damage, the worst seen in the area according to park officials. The evidence of these activities, including multiple tire tracks far beyond the designated road, will remain visible for a long time.

Park rangers reported being alerted to these damages by travelers. Photographs reveal deep tire marks, which pose a challenge for recovery efforts. Fanney Ásgeirsdóttir, a ranger at Vatnajökuls National Park, stated that such destruction has not been observed in the region previously.

Repairing the damage is extremely difficult due to the terrain, with deep grooves that disrupt the landscape. Fanney emphasized that even successful recovery efforts would not restore the area to its original state.

Additionally, there are concerns that this incident may encourage others to engage in similar reckless behavior. The matter has been reported to the police, and authorities welcome any tips from individuals who may have witnessed the actions, especially if they see any glorification of it on social media.

“This is incredibly saddening,” Fanney remarked. “I am certain that the person responsible did not intend to harm the land in this manner. This is not what we want to showcase to our visitors, nor is it what people come to see. It is an outrageous devastation of a stunning landscape.”

Fanney noted the danger of a “copycat” mentality, where individuals may seek out other unspoiled areas to drive recklessly, thereby spreading this destructive trend further.

(via ruv.is)