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GPS disturbances raise maritime concerns in Gulf of Finland as autumn approaches

Thursday 15th 2024 on 14:23 in  

Throughout the summer, the eastern Gulf of Finland has experienced a significant number of GPS disturbances, which can impair navigational accuracy for maritime activities. While these disruptions have not yet led to dangerous situations, they are now occurring almost daily or at least weekly. The disturbances are most prevalent in the eastern Gulf of Finland.

Samu Koski, head of the Gulf of Finland Vessel Traffic Service from Fintraffic, suggests that the disturbances may be connected to ongoing events in the east, but refrains from speculating further. The disruptions have been a frequent topic of concern for pilots assisting cargo ships since they first noticed them in May, according to Sami Saarinen, area manager for Finnpilot.

The disturbances have been detected from the waters off Kotka and Hamina to Hanko. While some disturbances have lasted only briefly, the longest one persisted for about a week in early June. Saarinen noted that such incidents have not been reported previously, and identifying a natural cause for these disruptions remains challenging.

As autumn approaches and weather conditions deteriorate, the potential for maritime hazards increases, according to Saarinen.

According to Traficom, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, GPS disturbances have emerged as a new risk factor in the Baltic Sea. Since late April, Traficom has received 125 reports of disturbances in the Gulf of Finland, with over two-thirds originating from the eastern region, particularly around Kotka and Hamina.

Traffic disruptions are likely linked to sources in Russia, potentially due to jamming efforts aimed at countering drones, which inadvertently affect areas in Finland. It has been confirmed that these disturbance signals do not originate from Finnish territory. Saarinen advises mariners to verify their position using alternative means, such as nautical charts, whenever GPS disruptions occur.

(via yle.fi)