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Parents increasingly buying properties for college-bound children in Finland

Thursday 15th 2024 on 13:38 in  

At the start of the year, the number of property sales reached a historic low in Finland. However, interest began to rise during the summer, particularly in large university cities where small apartments sold better this season compared to last year. Many parents opted to purchase properties for their children starting higher education.

Are you one of those parents? We are preparing a piece on this topic and want to know in what situations parents buy a property for their college-bound young adults. Is it primarily an investment, or do practical reasons play a significant role in the decision?

Please share your experience with us using the form provided. We assure you that the identities of respondents will remain confidential, and we will not publish any names or identifying information without explicit consent. Only the journalists involved in this story will handle your responses.

To provide feedback, kindly include your full name, phone number, and email address in the contact details section.

Why did you decide to buy a property for your child? (optional)
What are your plans for the property after your child completes their studies? (optional)
What is your municipality of residence? (optional)
Would you like to be contacted for further information or an interview?

Please submit your responses via email.

(via yle.fi)