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Russian student released from detention as investigation in Kajaani continues

Thursday 15th 2024 on 10:53 in  

A Russian student, suspected of serious regulatory violations in Kajaani, has been released from investigative detention. According to the National Bureau of Investigation (KRP), the number of suspects has changed in the case. The KRP suspects that a group transported luxury goods suitable for military use from Finland to Russia in 2022.

In May, police reported that there were five suspects. However, Maria Vuorivirta, the lead investigator from KRP, stated that the current number of suspects has altered but did not disclose specific figures. “There may be more than five individuals in a suspect role, but I cannot specify how many,” she said.

Among those detained were at least three Russian students residing in Kajaani, who were ordered into detention by the Kainuu District Court in May. Vuorivirta noted that two of the detained have since been released but remain suspects alongside others in the investigation. “Releasing someone is standard procedure if the conditions for detention are no longer met, and, for example, a travel ban is a sufficient preventive measure,” she explained.

Originally, the Kainuu District Court set a deadline of August 16 for filing charges in the case. This deadline has now been postponed to November, as the KRP’s preliminary investigation is still ongoing. Vuorivirta attributed the delay to the complex nature of the alleged crime, the case’s extensive scope, and its international dimensions. “There is a significant amount of material in other languages, and reviewing it takes time,” she noted.

The KRP previously stated in May that suspicions of regulatory violations arose when an individual reported that their contact information was used to order shipments without their knowledge. The investigation includes tracking purchases made with incorrect information from both Finnish and international online stores. The Oulu police, Customs, and the Border Guard have also been involved in the investigation.

(via yle.fi)