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CEO of PCC’s silica plant among candidates for head of new Environmental and Energy Agency in Akureyri

Thursday 15th 2024 on 09:38 in  

The CEO of PCC’s silica plant in Bakka, near Húsavík, is among six candidates applying for the position of head of the new Environmental and Energy Agency. This agency will take over responsibilities from the National Energy Authority and part of the Environmental Agency’s operations starting at the turn of the year. The agency will be based in Akureyri. Halla Hrund Logadóttir, the Director of Energy Affairs, chose not to apply for the position, as she previously announced.

Alongside these changes, restructuring will also occur within other institutions under the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate. The Nature Conservation Division of the Environmental Agency will merge with the Vatnajökull National Park into a new Nature Conservation Agency by the end of the year. Furthermore, in July, the Land Survey and the Nature Research Station at Mývatn became part of the Institute of Natural History, which is now referred to as the Natural History Institute.

In addition to the CEO of the silica plant, other applicants for the position of head of the new agency include Björn Arnar Hauksson, a department head at the National Energy Authority; Halla María Sveinbjörnsdóttir, the HR manager at the Fisheries Directorate; former CEO of the Suðurnes Health Authority, Markús Ingólfur Eiríksson; geologist Rakel Rún Karlsdóttir; and Soffía Björk Guðmundsdóttir, the director and board member of Landsvirkjun.

(via ruv.is)