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Jurmo Island faces waste management crisis amid rising tourist numbers in Finland

Thursday 15th 2024 on 06:38 in  

Jurmo Island, located in the Turku Archipelago, is facing significant waste management challenges due to the influx of tourists. Annually, the island attracts between 30,000 to 50,000 visitors, which has resulted in excessive toilet waste. Local entrepreneur Tiina Johansson stated, “The number of visitors to our outdoor toilets is so high that it has led to issues with waste handling. I have to empty my toilet twice a week.”

Jurmo is not the only island experiencing these waste problems, but the situation is particularly severe on this remote and rugged rock, where waste does not decompose quickly. The organization Pidä Saaristo Siistinä, which maintains dry toilets in the archipelago, indicates that islands with large numbers of boaters during the summer face similar issues. “In some locations, the capacity of the toilets is stretched, as our dry toilets are the only public facilities available for all travelers, not just boaters,” said Katriina Murto, the regional manager of the organization.

Steps are being considered to transport waste off the island, but there are obstacles as no operators have agreed to manage the waste from outdoor toilets. “We are discussing year-round tourism on the islands, but if we want it, we need a functional infrastructure. Both Jurmo and Utö have year-round tourists facing the same issues,” Johansson added.

For years, residents, the Pidä Saaristo Siistinä organization, and the John Nurminen Foundation have sought solutions, but sustainable options remain elusive. The management of other waste is handled by Southwest Finland Waste Management, which is open to discussions about handling toilet waste as well. “In the autumn, we will explore our options for dealing with sewage in the archipelago, including potential solutions for dry toilet waste,” said Cati Huhta, service manager at LSJH.

(via yle.fi)