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Green Party polls 6.1% in Verian survey, marking highest rating since fall 2018 in Sweden

Thursday 15th 2024 on 05:48 in  

According to a recent opinion poll by Verian, 6.1% of respondents indicated they would vote for the Green Party in a parliamentary election. While this figure is considerably lower than the 13.85% the party received in the June EU elections, it represents the party’s highest rating in Verian’s surveys since fall 2018. Per Söderpalm, the head of opinion research at Verian, noted that the Green Party’s rise began when Amanda Lind took office, leading to a steady increase since April.

Despite this positive trend for the Green Party, it has not changed the dynamics between the opposition and the ruling coalition. Söderpalm stated that the Green Party’s gains have largely come at the expense of the Social Democrats.

The Christian Democrats, meanwhile, experienced a statistically significant decline compared to their strong performance during the EU election campaign and have now fallen below the parliamentary threshold, polling at 3.6%. Söderpalm explained that this figure aligns with the party’s long-term performance aside from their June spike.

Additionally, the report noted a lack of political coverage in the media over the summer, which may have contributed to the stagnant opinion landscape. The gap between the political blocks remains between four to seven percentage points, favoring the opposition. In this poll, the opposition parties—Social Democrats, Center Party, Green Party, and Left Party—collectively garnered 51.7% of support, while 46.4% would vote for the Moderates, Christian Democrats, Liberals, or Sweden Democrats, with 1.9% indicating they would not support any party in parliament.

This opinion barometer was based on around 3,000 interviews conducted between July 29 and August 11 and included a range of demographic checks.

(via svt.se)