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Mercury in retrograde prompts social media surge as individuals seek guidance during challenging times

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 21:54 in  

Are you suddenly encountering an ex? Struggling to concentrate? Is life’s logistics feeling tougher than usual? Many on social media suggest it could be due to the planet Mercury, particularly when it is in retrograde.

This phenomenon, which occurs three to four times a year, prompts a surge of warnings on social media platforms. During the retrograde period—from August 4 to 28 this year—users frequently share advice on how to navigate this challenging time, emphasizing what to avoid, like signing contracts or starting new relationships.

Astronomer Vegard Lundby Rekaa explains that “Mercury in retrograde” is an optical illusion—it appears that Mercury is reversing its direction due to the differing speeds at which it and Earth orbit the Sun. Lundby Rekaa expresses skepticism regarding claims that this retrograde affects life on Earth, stating he sees no mechanism for such influence.

Spiritual advisor Alma Skolmen, who has a significant following on TikTok, suggests that Mercury symbolizes communication and technology. She acknowledges that while the retrograde may disrupt these areas, its effects are largely experiential.

Photographer Malin Westermann, who has been interested in astrology since childhood, also senses a shift during Mercury’s retrograde phases. She observes heightened chaos and relational challenges, yet maintains personal composure and caution in her tasks.

Psychologist Lisa Maiken Nordsveen recognizes the appeal of astrology, noting it fulfills a fundamental human need for meaning, especially during chaotic times. However, she cautions against completely relying on astrological guidance, urging individuals instead to take responsibility for their own lives.

While believers like Skolmen or Westermann incorporate astrology into their lives, both emphasize the importance of self-awareness and critical thinking when interpreting cosmic events.

(via nrk.no)