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Nordic ministers sign declaration to electrify air travel by 2030 in Gothenburg

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 19:53 in  

Transport ministers from the Nordic countries signed a declaration today aimed at electrifying air travel by 2030. This agreement, reached during a meeting in Gothenburg, builds upon a similar declaration made in 2022, which focused on the development of carbon-free flight routes in the Nordic region by the same deadline.

The commitment underscores that electrification in aviation is crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and that the Nordic countries are well-positioned to lead global efforts in this area. The ministers reaffirmed their collaboration and emphasized the need to prioritize the development of air transport systems.

The new declaration outlines plans for enhanced cooperation and support for advancements in the technologies required to electrify air travel by 2030. This initiative reflects a broader commitment to sustainable transport solutions and highlights the importance of international cooperation in addressing climate challenges.

As the Nordic countries advance in this realm, they aim to create a framework that fosters innovation and ensures that air travel becomes more environmentally friendly. This aligns with ongoing global discussions about transitioning to cleaner transport alternatives, reinforcing the region’s dedication to tackling climate issues effectively.

(via ruv.is)