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Faroese Teachers’ Association chairman highlights curriculum challenges in relation to PISA assessments

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 19:39 in  
Faroe Islands

The curriculum is constrained by the proposals.

Jacob Eli S. Olsen, the chairman of the Faroese Teachers’ Association, believes that PISA assessments serve as a useful tool for determining students’ competencies in the public school system. However, he argues that the teaching methods in the Faroese public schools are not particularly well-adapted to these assessments.

“We have not updated our curriculum or the school content. To some extent, we have modernized the teaching materials, but we have not updated the testing methods, so we are teaching subjects that the PISA assessments do not prioritize,” says Jacob Eli S. Olsen.

As a result, PISA evaluations examine aspects that are not included in the Faroese educational agenda.

(via kvf.fo)