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Potato farmer faces disastrous harvest due to extreme weather events in Ringerike, Norway

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 16:54 in  

Bernt Gran, a potato farmer from Lerberg farm in Ringerike, reflects on last year’s potato harvest, describing the unpleasant smell of rotten potatoes resulting from a series of unfortunate weather events. The spring drought, followed by the extreme weather event “Hans” and heavy rains in late summer, led Gran to discover numerous spoiled potatoes in his fields. “We knew immediately it was a complete disaster. It was very sad; so much work was in vain,” he noted.

This year’s yield is significantly reduced, dropping from approximately 150 tons to under 40 tons, with half of that allocated as seed potatoes for future planting. Gran points out that as the sole grower of Ringerikspotet, a gourmet potato variety central to Norway’s culinary heritage, the situation is critical. “We can’t survive another year like this; it’s too risky to grow potatoes under these conditions.”

Kitchen chief Bent Borge Hansen expressed his dismay over the potential disappearance of Ringerikspotet, stressing the importance of preserving Norway’s unique food traditions. Similarly, food historian Christopher Sjuve acknowledged the harsh reality of single-crop farming, stating that varieties like Ringerikspotet are increasingly vulnerable to climate and disease issues.

Despite the challenges, Gran remains hopeful. His farm, which also produces whiskey, has had to adapt its agricultural practices. By utilizing older seed potatoes this year, he aims to improve next year’s crop with newly sprouted potatoes. “We’re hoping to at least double our acreage for next year,” he said, underscoring that success will still depend on favorable weather conditions.

(via nrk.no)