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Kafé Pluss in Finnsnes becomes vital community hub for retirees and those in need in Norway

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 11:54 in  

Dressed in a black silk shirt adorned with floral embroidery and a wide-brimmed black hat, Inger Johanne Käll sits in a sitting area outside the Finnsnes Church in Midt-Troms. It’s a sunny Wednesday, and the smell of grilled food wafts through the air as the retiree chats with other guests at Kafé Pluss, a café that has become essential for her since she returned after 52 years in Sweden.

Käll, 75, refers to the café as her second home, visiting three times a week whenever she has no other plans. As a minimum pensioner, the café has been vital for her, providing nourishing meals. “I have thanked God and Kafé Pluss many times for the food I have received,” she says with a laugh, referencing her financial circumstances.

Kafé Pluss has been open for fifteen years, running in collaboration with the local church and municipality. The café not only serves food but also facilitates social connections among various individuals, including those facing substance challenges, mental health issues, or financial difficulties. Regular volunteer efforts sustain the café, which distributes food parcels and offers a clothing corner for guests in need. Around 30 people often seek assistance during food distributions.

Volunteer Kjellrun Skoglund, who initiated the café’s concept, emphasizes the growing demand over the years. Reidar Strømme, another volunteer and the day’s grill master, highlights the mutual benefit of serving others while fostering community spirit.

For many, including Käll, the connections made at Kafé Pluss create a supportive environment. “It’s friendly here, and we miss each other if someone hasn’t been around for a while,” she notes, reflecting the camaraderie fostered within the café’s walls.

(via nrk.no)