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Minister refutes claims on school meals controversy in Hafnarfjörður

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 10:58 in  

The Minister of Education and Children, Ásmundur Einar Daðason, has refuted claims made by Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, the mayor of Hafnarfjörður, that municipalities were cornered regarding free school meals in relation to pay negotiations. Daðason described this interpretation as an “extremely special approach,” emphasizing that discussions were held in consultation with the Association of Icelandic Municipalities.

He indicated that the question of whether school supplies should be free is a matter of political opinion. Daðason highlighted that members of the Independence Party, including ministers and mayors, are clearly opposed to such measures and have not actively supported them. He stated that his party is firmly in favor of supporting free school meals and that local government officials from his party fully endorsed this idea during pay negotiations.

In a recent radio interview, Daðason expressed that merely responding to the problems faced by the most vulnerable families is not enough. He emphasized that parents should not have to petition school administrators to waive fees. The discussion has also included criticism from Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, the Minister of Higher Education, Industry, and Innovation, regarding free educational materials.

The current dialogue reflects broader debates in Iceland on accessibility and equity in education, with significant implications for low-income families facing mounting challenges. The contrasting views between different political leaders underscore a significant divide in prioritizing educational resources and social support systems.

(via ruv.is)