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Asbjørn brings joy to Vestbygda children amid school relocation challenges in Vesterålen

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 07:53 in  

In the small village of Vestbygda, Vesterålen, local resident Asbjørn brings smiles to his neighbors, especially the children, by treating them to ice cream before summer vacation. However, as the old school building has fallen into disrepair, the students have relocated to a care home for the elderly, where Asbjørn lives.

The Vestbygd school, built in 1960, was closed abruptly due to safety concerns. “Continuing operations in the current building is not feasible,” stated a local official. This unexpected move left both students and teachers without a proper venue, leading to an unconventional setup in Asbjørn’s residence, where classrooms now occupy living spaces.

Students Andreas and Kristian express their thoughts on learning in a care home, finding it both strange and amusing. “We can do more fun things here,” says Andreas, though he acknowledges it’s odd not having a proper school. The living areas have been adapted for lessons, featuring essential amenities like showers and fridges.

School principal Kristin Wabø Ruud reflects positively on how adaptively the 16 students have handled this situation, though she admits it’s not an ideal long-term arrangement. Plans for a new school building are in the works, and Ruud hopes students will carry forward the sense of community they’ve built during this unusual period.

Despite the camaraderie, there are concerns among parents about the educational limitations presented by the temporary setup, with calls for improvement. Andrea Rinø, a parent and community leader, has voiced worries about the adequacy of the new arrangements and the potential impact on the village’s population, fearing an increase in emigration if challenges persist.

(via nrk.no)