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Mushaga Bakenga signs with Punjab FC, embraces new adventure in India

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 05:53 in  

Mushaga Bakenga recently signed with Indian top-tier club Punjab FC, expressing excitement about the adventure ahead. The 32-year-old forward remarked that the opportunity to experience something new was a significant factor in his decision, stating, “It seems much more fun to come here than to other places I was offered.”

Having previously played for clubs across several countries, including Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Japan, and Cyprus, Bakenga is eager to embrace the challenges posed by his latest move. He described his first training session as extremely hot, noting that he lost four kilos in just 50 minutes despite staying well-hydrated.

Bakenga appreciated the warm welcome he received from his new teammates and club staff, who had researched his background beyond his football career. “They knew more about me as a person than as a player, and that kind of attention means a lot,” he said.

Settling into a new culture poses challenges, especially when it comes to language. Bakenga humorously recounted his attempt to learn “Indian” and the laughter that ensued; India boasts over 200 languages, with his team communicating in 17 different tongues. He plans to pick the easiest language and start from there.

Football expert Kristoffer Løkberg acknowledged that many players share Bakenga’s desire for adventure, although most typically choose familiar clubs in Scandinavia due to various personal and professional considerations. He believes Bakenga’s diverse experiences from different clubs will enrich his journey, while also acknowledging the unique value of long-term commitments in football.

(via nrk.no)