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Qair presents environmental assessment for wind power plant at Laxárdalsheiði in Búðardalur, Iceland

Wednesday 14th 2024 on 01:08 in  

Representatives of Qair in Iceland presented the results of an environmental assessment for a wind power plant at Laxárdalsheiði during a community meeting in Búðardalur. The plan includes the construction of 29 wind turbines, each reaching a height of 200 meters at their highest blade position.

During the meeting, locals raised concerns regarding potential pollution, the impact on bird nesting, and the fate of the turbines after their operational lifespan, estimated at around 25 years. Laxárdalsheiði is known as a flight path for eagles and is a nesting site for other bird species. Since eagles are protected in Iceland, Qair must take measures to prevent them from flying into the turbine blades.

Fríðjón Þórðarson, the Managing Director of Qair Iceland, mentioned various mitigation strategies being considered. For instance, painting one of the turbine blades black has been implemented in Norway. Additionally, Qair intends to use radar technology to detect birds flying towards the wind farm. If they are on a collision course, attempts will be made to deter them away.

As the project progresses, community concerns remain a focal point for discussions among stakeholders involved in the planning and implementation of renewable energy resources in the region.

(via ruv.is)