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Norway’s pst addresses security threats at arendalsuka in agder

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 21:54 in  

For the first time, Norway’s Police Security Service (PST) organized a public meeting during Arendalsuka, focusing on the threat landscape in Norway and the Agder region. Knut Aurebekk, head of PST in Agder, encouraged citizens to stay vigilant and informed about current threats, such as terrorism and espionage. He noted that Arendalsuka attracts many individuals of interest to foreign intelligence, including politicians, government officials, and tech industry employees.

This marks the second consecutive year that PST has maintained a visible presence at Arendalsuka, where they are hosting three panel discussions and participating in additional events. PST is collaborating with the Customs Agency to debate the sanctions against Russia imposed after its invasion of Ukraine, and they have a booth staffed throughout the week.

Aurebekk emphasized the importance of recognizing personal values that may attract foreign interest. He advised individuals to guard specific knowledge, such as information about technology companies, as a precautionary measure.

PST has previously warned that Arendalsuka itself is a target for intelligence activities, underscoring the potential risk associated with the gathering of influential figures. As the primary security agency responsible for threats to Norway on its soil, PST aims to raise awareness about the challenges posed by espionage and other forms of intelligence gathering.

(via nrk.no)