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Twenty tourists fall ill after drinking contaminated water at Rjúpnavellir guesthouse in South Iceland

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 21:28 in  

A significant number of outdoor enthusiasts have fallen ill in recent weeks after consuming contaminated drinking water at the Rjúpnavellir guesthouse near Ytri Rangá. One of the owners claims she was unaware of the contamination until health inspectors arrived to take samples.

Kolbrún Björnsdóttir, one of the owners, stated that they only heard about the issue when health authorities visited the site last week. At least one group had reported illnesses a week prior, but the guesthouse had not received prior complaints. As a result, they did not disclose any health concerns.

The South Iceland Health Inspectorate confirmed the presence of E.coli bacteria in the water, noting that the contamination is mild, and they have collected further samples for testing. The results are pending, and the exact number of affected individuals is unclear, but it is estimated that at least twenty tourists have become ill.

A meeting was held today by the South Iceland Health Inspectorate with a medical officer, the Food and Veterinary Authority, and the microbiology department of the national hospital to address the situation, as is standard procedure during outbreaks. Kolbrún assured that all guests are now informed that the water is unsafe for drinking, warning signs have been posted, and bottled water has been provided in the guesthouses. Reactions from guests vary, with some choosing to cancel their reservations, while others are using bottled water.

The health inspectorate’s report indicated that individuals with underlying health conditions were particularly vulnerable. Kolbrún expressed concern over the situation, emphasizing that efforts will be made to purify the water and prevent further illnesses.

(via ruv.is)