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Disparity revealed in educational experiences of students across Denmark due to home environments and screen time

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 21:18 in  

There is a significant disparity among schools in how students perceive their educational experience. Data shows that more than double the number of students at schools with the poorest well-being report difficulties concentrating compared to those at schools with the best well-being. Regarding whether teachers can quickly establish calm in the classroom, nearly three times as many students from schools with the lowest well-being answered negatively compared to those at the most thriving schools.

One primary factor contributing to this variance is the challenging home environments many children face. For example, those among the 20% of children in Denmark experiencing physical violence at home struggle to focus at school. Similarly, children living in households with severe alcohol issues—also around 10%—may also see negative impacts on their education.

Another important element is screen time. Children from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds tend to spend more hours in front of screens, which is linked to increased loneliness, decreased physical activity, shorter sleep duration, and disrupted concentration.

Furthermore, around 30% of students believe their education does not encourage them to learn more—up from just 12.5% in 2014. This suggests issues with teaching quality, as effective teachers can often help mitigate the challenges faced by students. Unfortunately, many schools are struggling with a lack of sufficiently qualified teachers.

Moreover, the quality of early childcare significantly impacts future school success, as many children come from childcare environments lacking in consistent quality. Additionally, parental screen time also affects children’s ability to focus, as children may not engage in enough interactive experiences necessary for developing concentration and empathy. Experts emphasize the importance of fostering quality interactions to enhance children’s attention spans and social skills necessary for their academic success.

(via dr.dk)