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Erika Bjerström leaves SVT after five years as climate correspondent in Sweden

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 18:03 in  

The global climate crisis remains a key focus for SVT News, as it is a matter of great concern for our audience, impacting living conditions, ecosystems, and political decisions at all levels. Erika Bjerström has served as SVT’s climate correspondent for the past five years. With her extensive journalistic skills and deep expertise in the subject, she has significantly advanced SVT’s climate journalism. Collaborating with award-winning photographers, Bjerström has produced numerous eye-opening reports on the climate crisis from around the world.

Bjerström has now decided to leave SVT for a more independent journalistic career, and many express their gratitude for her pioneering contributions and steadfast presence in previous roles, including as a correspondent in the United States and as an editor for Agenda.

SVT News will continue to forge new ground in climate journalism, striving to present a holistic view that connects economics, politics, and social issues. The demand for in-depth knowledge in these areas is increasing among our audience, prompting a stronger commitment to investigative journalism aimed at scrutinizing businesses, government agencies, organizations, research, the environmental movement, and political actions, all centered on public concerns.

The role of climate correspondent will not be directly replaced; rather, it will evolve. Over the past year, SVT News has successfully enhanced its investigative journalism related to critical societal events. As an example, amid rising gang violence, an enhanced crime desk was established to leverage the full expertise of SVT News.

Going forward, more specialized reporters, editors, and photographers will participate in climate-related journalism through new collaborations across Sweden and the globe. Upcoming themes include verification in climate journalism, exploring how significant locations are reshaped by climate change. There is also potential for Bjerström to return to screen in a documentary project about climate and the Baltic Sea.

(via svt.se)