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Police uncover plot against Taylor Swift concert in Vienna

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 16:54 in  

Last week, police in Austria raided the home of a 19-year-old and discovered chemicals, machetes, and bomb-making equipment. Authorities believe the teenager was planning a suicide attack outside a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna. Two other suspects, aged 17 and 18, have been arrested, while a 15-year-old has been interviewed regarding the incident.

This foiled plot raises concerns among experts and security agencies, pointing to a heightened risk of attacks from extreme Islamist groups. Despite the defeat of ISIS in 2019, which many believed would alleviate the threat in Europe, the situation appears different today. Petter Nesser, a researcher in terrorism studies, reports an alarming increase in activity related to extreme Islamist threats. He notes a rise in recruitment among teenagers, greater involvement of women in these plots, and incidents being orchestrated remotely from conflict zones like Afghanistan.

The Islamic State’s Khorasan Province (IS-K), an affiliate of ISIS, has been identified as a significant external threat to Europe, with the UN security council confirming this in a recent report. IS-K has carried out major attacks and is considered a dangerous rival to the Taliban, which struggles to control the group.

Nesser highlights the trend of remote control in terrorist operations, exemplified by recent attempts in Germany linked to IS-K. The ongoing conflict in Gaza and recent actions by Hamas have intensified global terror threats, prompting security services to balance numerous risks, which may leave them stretched thin. Observers warn that this complex landscape is reminiscent of the period leading up to the September 11 attacks, with escalating concerns about the potential for future acts of terror in Europe.

(via nrk.no)