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Gas explosion at Metsä Group bioproduct plant in Kemi under investigation

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 16:48 in  

On March 21, 2024, at approximately 12:00 PM, a gas explosion occurred within the evaporator at the Kemi bioproduct plant of Metsä Group during maintenance work. Emergency services responded, and initial reports indicated no injuries. However, authorities are currently investigating the incident to determine the cause of the explosion at the €2 billion facility.

The plant, which produces pulp, pine oil, and turpentine, had already been temporarily shut down for three months following the explosion, which incapacitated operations. With repairs now complete, laid-off staff have been able to return to work.

On the day of the incident, a secondary condensate pipe began leaking while workers were performing repairs. Three employees from Tormets Oy, a local company, arrived to fix the pipe, unaware they would soon be exposed to dangerous gases.

During the repair, the installation technician’s hydrogen sulfide meter alarmed for the first time at 9:30 AM, yet work continued. After lunch, a critical moment arose when a component known as the “primary” exploded, dislodging and striking the welder, as toxic gas escaped into the air.

All three workers were exposed to hydrogen sulfide, a harmful gas, but were examined and found to be unharmed. Investigations by the Finnish safety authorities are ongoing to ascertain responsibility and prevent future accidents.

The question remains as to why toxic gas was present and why proper gas measurements were not conducted that day. The CEO of Metsä Fibre has stated that they are investigating the incident with external expertise. The explosion is expected to cost the company around €100 million, alongside the risk to human lives that could have been far greater had the gas concentration been higher.

(via yle.fi)