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Police briefing reveals concerns over gang violence in Aarhus following shootings in Copenhagen

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 12:53 in  

In the wake of recent shootings in Copenhagen, East Jutland Police provided a confidential briefing to several politicians regarding gang activity in Aarhus. This took place during a municipal meeting, as justice officials, including Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard, discussed measures to combat the involvement of young Swedish criminals in Denmark.

Aarhus Mayor Jacob Bundsgaard expressed the local politicians’ desire to be informed due to the rising violence in the capital, noting issues linked to the Somali community in Aarhus over the summer. Recent serious incidents included the fatal stabbing of a 25-year-old man and a fire set in a residential building that forced 47 residents to evacuate. Bundsgaard emphasized the need for vigilance to prevent any potential spillover of violence into Aarhus.

He stated he feels assured that local police are doing everything possible to keep the city safe. However, he acknowledged that connections between violent events in Copenhagen and Aarhus have previously occurred. He highlighted the importance of proactive communication and coordination between Aarhus Municipality and East Jutland Police.

Bundsgaard reported no current cause for concern in Aarhus, as the two conflicts seem unrelated, but stressed the necessity for ongoing attention and collaboration to address the violent events occurring in Copenhagen. He urged efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Somali community, indicating that while the situation appears stable, it could potentially rise again.

Additionally, Justice Minister Hummelgaard announced an increase in police surveillance at the Danish-Swedish border and indicated the possibility of utilizing facial recognition technology and increased resources for decrypting criminal communications.

(via dr.dk)