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Hafnarfjörður mayor addresses concerns over free school supplies amid rising waste

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 12:28 in  

In Hafnarfjörður, the local municipality is under pressure regarding the provision of free school supplies. The town’s mayor, Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, emphasized that while the municipality initially implemented free supplies over seven years ago to alleviate the burden on parents, the program is being reconsidered due to rising waste. Education Minister Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir highlighted concerns about schools supplying materials that are ultimately not used effectively, resulting in waste.

Rósa noted that the city’s education committee has decided to discontinue the program because students often bring their own supplies, which leads to less waste when children care for their own items. The mayor acknowledged mixed opinions on the initiative but reported that overall it had functioned well until issues regarding supplies arose. She pointed out that not all supplies are universally applicable for every child.

While the financial impact on the municipality’s budget from these free provisions is not significant, Rósa stressed the importance of mindful spending. The conversation around this issue is vital given the increasing demands for state and local contributions to various costs. Hafnarfjörður’s shift away from providing free school supplies reflects not only logistical considerations but also an effort to balance equality among students.

Moreover, the upcoming implementation of free school meals is expected to cost the municipality over 20 million krónur in the coming term. Rósa expressed a desire for the government to take initiative in enhancing child benefit systems rather than imposing restrictions on municipal autonomy.

(via ruv.is)