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Mayor Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir addresses school supplies debate in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 12:28 in  

In Hafnarfjörður, the local council has been faced with challenging discussions regarding the provision of free school supplies. The mayor, Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, highlighted that while free supplies have been well-received in the community over the past seven years—primarily to alleviate financial pressure on parents—operational concerns have emerged.

Recent comments from Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, referenced perceived waste associated with providing such supplies, prompting the municipality to reduce its offerings. Rósa noted that students often bring their own supplies, leading to an accumulation of the school-provided items, which children tend to treat with less care.

Rósa acknowledged diverse opinions on the current system but indicated that it has generally functioned satisfactorily, barring issues related to the supplies themselves. The escalating use of tablets in education has necessitated significant investment from the municipality, amounting to millions annually to supply devices for higher-grade students.

The mayor emphasized the need for promoting fairness in educational provisions, recognizing the challenges of catering to all children’s needs, particularly those from less affluent backgrounds. However, she cautioned against expecting municipalities to shoulder all educational costs indefinitely, as this ultimately impacts local taxes and other services.

With free school meals projected to cost the municipality over 20 million ISK in the upcoming term, Rósa expressed a desire for the state to take a more proactive role, instead of placing councils in difficult positions regarding their budgetary autonomy.

(via ruv.is)