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Norwegian police identify link between Swedish and Norwegian criminal networks

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 11:03 in  

Norwegian police authorities have identified a link between Swedish and Norwegian criminal networks. In a letter addressed to the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, they noted an increase in collaboration across the border, stating that the activities of Swedish gang criminals have become more visible in Norway.

The police consider cross-border crime to be “extraordinary” and not typical of the situations that national police forces are usually expected to manage independently. As a response, the Norwegian police are advocating for closer collaboration with their Swedish counterparts, proposing joint patrols to effectively address the issue. This proposal has been submitted to the Norwegian Minister of Justice, but details on how the cooperation would be implemented remain unspecified. The Ministry of Justice has indicated that they will review the matter.

Additionally, Swedish and Danish police recently initiated an enhanced partnership aimed at combating organized crime, which includes the placement of a Danish officer in Malmö and a Swedish officer in Copenhagen.

The rise of interconnected criminal networks and gangs poses significant challenges for both nations as authorities seek to strengthen their efforts in tackling these issues collaboratively.

(via svt.se)