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Australian tourist admits to speeding in Bodø as foreign visitor traffic surges in Norway

Tuesday 13th 2024 on 06:53 in  

An Australian tourist, Adam Nancarow, admits he exceeds speed limits by about three kilometers per hour while visiting Bodø, Norway. He insists that this is not over the top, as speed limits in Norway are comparable to those in his home country. This summer, an influx of foreign tourists, like Nancarow, has arrived in Northern Norway, causing challenges such as ferry congestion and overloaded roads, particularly in Senja and Lofoten.

Geir Marthinsen, head of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in Northern Norway, observes that the police have noted this surge in tourism and its impact on road safety. He reports that a third of speeding tickets issued this summer have gone to foreign tourists. Marthinsen warns that the behavior of tourists on the roads, especially in popular locations like Lofoten and Senja, poses significant risks. This year, reports indicate an increase in the number of foreign drivers exceeding speed limits during traffic checks.

In total, 1,314 speeding tickets have been issued to tourists during the summer, a trend that has risen over recent years. Marthinsen emphasizes that foreign visitors significantly contribute to the traffic dynamics, often taking considerable risks by speeding.

Conversely, some tourists, like Dutch visitor Mat Frambach, maintain adherence to speed limits, expressing that they appreciate the standard of Norwegian roads and drive slowly, regardless of location.

While Marthinsen underscores the majority of drivers behave responsibly, he cautions that high speeds are a leading cause of severe accidents, urging all motorists to prioritize safety.

(via nrk.no)