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Stickers raise concerns over urban aesthetics in Ålesund, Norway

Monday 12th 2024 on 19:54 in  

In recent years, colorful stickers have appeared on signs and waste bins in Ålesund and several other cities, raising concerns about their impact on the picturesque views that draw tourists to the region. Ålesund municipality has stated that the problem has worsened and has labeled the stickers as littering. Laima Nomeikaite, a researcher in street art and cultural heritage, argues that stickers have become a part of the street art movement.

Visitors to Ålesund often marvel at its unique Art Nouveau architecture but find the stickers detracting from the view. Ingvild Starheim, a local mother, expressed frustration about the stickers interfering with her photographs of the stunning Brosundet canal, particularly the bright colors on otherwise serene landscapes.

Support for this sentiment came from Bergen resident Sigrid Holen, who noted encountering stickers throughout various cities. She described the layered, faded stickers as eyesores that disrupt the overall aesthetic. Similarly, city officials in Ålesund and Oslo have voiced their disdain for the trend, with Pål Gåseidnes from Oslo’s municipal department highlighting the unnecessary maintenance costs incurred to remove the stickers.

Despite these complaints, Nomeikaite posits that stickers are now integral to urban culture, serving as mediums for artistic expression, humor, and political messages. While many residents and tourists view these stickers as vandalism, others see them as a vibrant part of city life.

The history of stickers dates back to ancient Egypt, where they were used for commercial labeling. Today, they encompass a range of messages and artistic intentions, though not all agree on their merit as art, with opinions divided on whether they enhance or diminish the urban experience.

(via nrk.no)