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Danish organization advocates for smoother school transitions as children start Hærvejsskolen in Rødekro

Monday 12th 2024 on 19:03 in  

Thousands of children are saying goodbye to kindergarten and starting school for the first time today, which can be intimidating for many. To address this, the Danish School Students organization is calling for greater focus on ensuring a smooth transition to school life.

At Hærvejsskolen in Rødekro, staff have witnessed the anxiety new students often feel. In response, the school has intensified efforts over the past few years to provide a positive start for young learners. School principal Pernille Reschat notes that fear of the unknown is no longer as pronounced as it once was.

To aid this transition, incoming kindergarteners visit the school multiple times and meet their future teachers, both with and without their parents. This past spring, a small celebration was held for the upcoming students, and a visit to their former kindergarten is scheduled after school starts. These initiatives have made a significant impact, according to Reschat. “The various activities help students feel secure with the adults and in the environment,” she explains.

Six-year-old Laurits had a big smile as he concluded his first day. His mother Mia and father Troels shared that both Laurits and they felt nervous but secure, thanks to the excellent preparation and communication between the kindergarten and school. Troels emphasized the importance of familiarity for Laurits, which eased their transition.

The focus on a successful school start has been strong at both the kindergarten and Hærvejsskolen, making a noticeable difference. With most new students coming from a single kindergarten, Reschat acknowledges that this helps facilitate a smoother beginning for the children.

(via dr.dk)