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Venezuelan asylum seekers voluntarily return amid concerns over conditions in Venezuela

Monday 12th 2024 on 15:04 in  

In recent days, dozens of Venezuelan asylum seekers have voluntarily returned to their home country, according to a team leader from the Red Cross. This decision comes as many face limited alternatives and growing anxiety about their circumstances back home.

The Red Cross team leader highlighted that individuals are concerned about what awaits them in Venezuela. Between 40 and 50 Venezuelan asylum seekers have taken scheduled flights back to their homeland, and fellow citizens have organized protests at Keflavík Airport to draw attention to the perilous conditions they perceive await them.

An information officer from the Immigration Office stated that the altered situation following the re-election of President Maduro does not automatically grant these individuals the right to protection in Iceland. However, each case is reviewed individually, and the agency is closely monitoring developments in Venezuela.

The team leader from the Red Cross expressed sadness over the situation, noting that it is concerning to return people to what they themselves consider unsafe conditions. Many Venezuelans are reportedly returning for various reasons, including poverty and fear of government reprisals.

Financial support is available for those choosing to return, including a travel allowance of 200 euros and up to 1,000 euros for reintegration if they withdraw their asylum applications. If the application is withdrawn before the Immigration Office processes it, an additional grant of 1,500 euros is possible.

Despite opting to go back voluntarily, there is a heavy atmosphere among those returning, as many see no other viable options after being denied general protection in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)