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Youth in Tromsø increasingly evade bus fare amid rising costs

Monday 12th 2024 on 10:53 in  

Youth in Tromsø are reportedly becoming increasingly reluctant to pay for bus tickets, with a significant proportion opting to sneak onto public transport. Henning Opgård Heimen, visiting Telegrafbukta on a warm late summer day, emphasizes the importance of paying for bus rides, although many young people do not. Recent data indicates that 46% of junior high school students in Tromsø admit to sneaking onto buses, sporting events, cinemas, or similar venues. Nationwide, the figures are slightly lower, with 28% of boys and 26% of girls reporting the same behavior.

Opgård Heimen suggests that financial constraints could be a reason behind the youth’s reluctance to pay for bus fare, recounting that he himself opts for a monthly ticket due to reasonable prices. Others, like Silje Sandnes and Andzelika Urbonaviciute, echo these sentiments, attributing ticket evasion to the high cost of fares and a general disinterest in purchasing a ticket for short distances.

Last year, Troms fylkestrafikk estimated that fare evasion cost them around 15 million kroner in lost income. The introduction of electronic payment options and the pandemic’s restrictions on cash transactions have contributed to this growing trend. Despite a slight decline in fare evasion this year, long-term observations show consistent increases in bus fare evasion.

Johnny Berg from Troms county council warns that continued evasion could impact bus services, as half of the operating costs are covered by ticket revenues. He urges the youth to take responsibility and support the public transport system they rely on, suggesting that more frequent checks could deter fare evaders.

(via nrk.no)