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Metsähallitus faces scrutiny over unauthorized restoration activities in Sanginjoen Isokankaan conservation area

Monday 12th 2024 on 09:38 in  

Metsähallitus has reportedly conducted restoration and alteration activities in the Sanginjoen Isokankaan nature conservation area without proper authorization, as reported by the newspaper Kaleva. This area is state-owned but designated as a private conservation zone, which requires permits from the ELY Centre for any activities.

Metsähallitus’s Nature Services department became aware of the missing permits after work had already commenced. The lack of recognition regarding the area’s state conservation status was attributed to a series of unfortunate coincidences leading to a breakdown in communication, according to Pekka Sulkava, the director of nature values at Nature Services.

Permits would have been necessary for the restoration efforts at Kummunkorpi, as well as for the relocation and expansion of the Isokankaan parking area. The ELY Centre has received a report from Metsähallitus on the matter and a request for a statement, as explained by Eero Melantie, head of the Nature and Land Use unit at the North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre. The ELY Centre is currently reviewing the activities carried out in the area and plans to provide feedback in August. Details regarding potential consequences have not yet been determined.

According to Melantie, the activities involved wetland restoration and the removal of the invasive tree species, the lodgepole pine. While these restoration efforts are generally viewed positively, it is uncommon for the regulations governing private conservation areas to be violated. Moving forward, Metsähallitus aims to implement technical warnings to prevent similar occurrences.

The City of Oulu donated the Isokankaan conservation area to the state in 2021 for a nominal fee of one euro. However, it is important to note that this is not a state nature conservation area due to the absence of a governmental decision establishing it as such.

(via yle.fi)