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Civic colleges face challenges as course fees vary significantly across Finland

Monday 12th 2024 on 08:38 in  

The cost of courses offered by civic colleges can vary significantly, with fees in some locations being as much as 50% higher than in others. Price details reveal that similar courses can have vastly different prices. For instance, a tourism English course lasting through the fall and spring semesters costs just over 50 euros in civic colleges in Rauma and Kaarina, while the same course in Kouvola charges 104 euros.

This year, civic colleges and adult education institutions are seeing hundreds of thousands of students enroll for courses despite budget cuts from the government and financial difficulties faced by municipalities. The average course fee nationwide is just under 70 euros, according to Jaana Nuottanen, the director of the Civic Colleges Association. She noted that many students may find the actual cost burdensome due to additional expenses such as materials.

Many civic colleges have had to reduce course offerings and increase fees, despite maintaining high demand for courses. The government has cut its funding by nearly 14%, equating to 12.5 million euros, which has a noticeable impact on operations.

Certain institutions, such as the Wellamo Institute near Lahti, have been able to offer a broad range of courses without raising tuition fees yearly. They plan to provide approximately 1,300 courses this season. Despite looming financial challenges, Wellamo’s budget remains solid.

Rektor Mari Ylä-Sankola-Peltola expressed optimism for the current fiscal year but acknowledged potential future adjustments might target staffing costs, which account for 75% of expenses. The school aims to balance course offerings and fees while also adapting its curriculum to current trends, such as introducing Korean language courses for K-pop enthusiasts.

(via yle.fi)