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Swedes support total defense duty with high willingness for non-combat roles during crises

Monday 12th 2024 on 08:03 in  

In Sweden, total defense duty is in effect, requiring all residents aged 16 to 70 to be called upon to assist in various capacities during times of war or threats thereof. According to a recent survey conducted by Verian, nearly 90% of Swedes believe that it is important for individuals within this age group to participate in the defense of Sweden, with men and older individuals showing higher levels of agreement compared to women and younger people.

The survey indicates that a majority of the public would be willing to contribute to Sweden’s defense in some way during a crisis, with over half (51%) open to taking on non-combat roles that could pose life risks. However, only about one in four respondents (24%) would consider a combat position with similar dangers. Notably, the willingness to fight varies significantly between genders, with 39% of men open to combat roles compared to just 8% of women.

The data also reveals that 81% would accept a non-combat role without risk to life, particularly among men aged 50-64. Despite this willingness, only 40% of the population understands what is expected of them as civilians in the event of war. Knowledge of expected duties is markedly higher among those aware of their military placements. Alarmingly, only 34% understand the implications of heightened readiness, with even lower awareness (27%) among younger individuals. Furthermore, 62% are unsure how long they are expected to be self-sufficient during wartime.

Total defense duty encompasses military conscription, civilian obligations in critical sectors, and general service roles essential even in emergencies. On January 19, Sweden reactivated civilian obligations, primarily focusing on emergency services.

(via svt.se)