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Children in Denmark exaggerate summer adventures, study finds

Monday 12th 2024 on 06:03 in  

Children across Denmark have returned to school after summer vacation, and many are eager to share their experiences. However, a recent study indicates that it’s common for kids, especially those aged nine to 14, to exaggerate their summer adventures to make them sound more exciting. About 28% of children have embellished their summer activities at least once, while 68% believe others have had more thrilling outings.

Ida Hilario Jønsson, a child welfare consultant, notes that some children may feel anxious about fitting in, leading them to inflate their summer stories. This concern often arises from family circumstances where lavish vacations were not an option. Such embellishment is typically not considered harmful, she adds, unless it creates undue pressure or feelings of insecurity among classmates regarding their vacation experiences.

The study, conducted by Epinion and involving 1,070 Danish children, also points out that social media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of an ideal summer vacation. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok highlight glamorous moments while often omitting ordinary family experiences, which can skew children’s expectations.

Jønsson suggests that adults should acknowledge the anxiety high expectations can create for children. It may be beneficial to communicate that summer vacations can be enjoyable in many different ways, emphasizing that not all families can afford extravagant trips, thereby redefining what constitutes a fulfilling summer holiday.

(via dr.dk)