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Hike raises awareness for endangered heathlands in Northern Árdalur, Iceland

Sunday 11th 2024 on 15:08 in  

Landowners and representatives from environmental organization Landvernd are raising awareness about heathlands at risk due to planned energy projects in Iceland. A hike is currently taking place in Northern Árdalur to highlight the endangered heathland areas.

The first hike of a series is underway in Northern Árdalur, Borgarbyggð, with roughly seventy participants, including landowners and members of Landvernd. Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir, a writer and board member of Landvernd, stresses the importance of protecting these natural treasures in the face of proposed wind farms, particularly in Borgarbyggð.

She notes that local communities are engaged in agriculture, innovation, and forestry, emphasizing that there is no room for such projects in these areas. Gunnarsdóttir points out that the lack of national regulations regarding energy development is jeopardizing these unique landscapes.

“There is simply a complete absence of regulation on a national level in this regard,” she states. This regulatory gap invites foreign corporations to exploit Icelandic nature, leaving local governments burdened to manage the situation, a complex and challenging task.

Future hikes are planned across various heathlands, including Mosfellsheiði, Laxárdalsheiði, Melrakkaslétta, and Fljótsdalsheiði, showcasing untouched heathland areas unique on a global scale. The initiative aims to promote conservation efforts by highlighting the scenic beauty and ecological importance of Icelandic heaths.

(via ruv.is)