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Conditions improve in Skálm river after glacial outburst in Iceland

Sunday 11th 2024 on 12:18 in  

Recent natural events in the Skálm river appear to be coming to an end, as both water levels and electrical conductivity continue to decline and approach normal values. The situation has improved significantly since a glacial outburst at the end of July, which caused damage to the nearby national road. Current fluctuations in the river have been less severe than that prior incident.

Monitoring from the Icelandic Meteorological Office indicates that hydrogen sulfide levels near the Katla glacier have also dropped since yesterday, although readings still persist. The ongoing monitoring aims to keep tabs on the situation, ensuring that any significant changes in measurements or observations are promptly communicated.

Despite recent fears of flooding due to these natural changes, no heightened attention has been required so far. Residents are still advised to exercise caution, as gas contamination may still be present in low-lying areas near rivers and the eastern edge of Mýrdalsjökull.

Authorities continue to emphasize safety, particularly for those living or traveling in close proximity to these affected zones.

(via ruv.is)