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Miniature horse Achilles brings joy and companionship to residents at Stora Sköndal care facility in Stockholm

Sunday 11th 2024 on 11:48 in  

A miniature horse named Achilles has made several visits to the Stora Sköndal care facility in Stockholm, where many residents consider him a friend. Achilles can dance, play basketball, and gives kisses to those who want them. Monica Lyander, an activity coach at the facility, emphasizes the importance of everyone, regardless of age, having the opportunity to grow and engage in enjoyable activities. “One must live until they die. Everyone needs a reason to get out of bed. Just because the shell is 100 years old doesn’t mean the inside is,” she states.

106-year-old Maj Dahlberg is one of many who find joy in Achilles’ company. “It would be very boring here if we just sat and drank coffee. Things need to happen,” she remarks.

Involuntary loneliness is a common issue among older adults. Currently, an estimated ten percent of those aged 75 to 85 live in social isolation, while about eight percent of the elderly are considered highly socially isolated. Residents at the Stora Sköndal care home report that visits from family members and the miniature horse Achilles are profoundly meaningful. “It’s fantastic. It’s important so that you don’t get trapped in the darkness of loneliness,” says Göran Frisk.

A video captures the dancing miniature horse visiting the care home, spreading joy and even bringing tears to some.

(via svt.se)