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Cows rescued by Border Collie Nikke at organic farm in Juva, Finland

Sunday 11th 2024 on 09:08 in  

A group of cows found themselves stuck at the pasture gate, and Border Collie Nikke joyfully rushed to their side, guiding them toward the field. The use of herding dogs is an integral part of life at Juvan Muumaa, a communal barn operated by three farms. According to co-owner Heikki Teittinen, these dogs are invaluable, especially since the farm’s organic cattle spend a significant amount of time grazing.

In recent years, the number of organic farms has declined, with many producers expressing concerns about the marketability of organic products amidst rising food prices. However, Juva, located in South Savo, remains a beacon of organic farming, with 40% of its farmland and a quarter of its livestock operations certified organic. This is notable, considering that only about 14% of Finland’s farmland and 10% of its livestock farms are organic.

The communal barn concept emerged in the early 2000s when the three farmers combined resources to meet the heightened demands of organic farming. Heli Ahonen, another co-owner, shared how this collaboration not only made economic sense but also afforded them more personal time. Currently, two employees assist the owners, with collaboration extending to other milk and feed producers as well.

The transition to organic was facilitated by governmental support in the 1990s, along with the establishment of an organic research center in Juva in 1985. Teittinen sees organic farming as the future of agriculture, emphasizing ecological sustainability and animal welfare.

Recently, South Savo was selected as a finalist for the EU Organic Awards, a testament to the region’s commitment to organic farming despite current challenges. Both Ahonen and Teittinen remain optimistic about the future of organic production as a leader in environmentally friendly farming.

(via yle.fi)